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Outstanding Volunteer Award.png

Angi Schmidt

Nominated by
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northeast IN


Over the last few years, Angi has become very involved with the development side of BBBS. She is a donor, a Big Sister who bowls at our annual bowling fundraiser, an attendee at our special events, and a frequent volunteer for marketing and other development needs. For Angi, this often means doing hard, unpaid work to set up our silent auctions and man our annual golf outing, which means long 15-hour shifts in the sun. It's something a lot of paid workers avoid, but Angi does it for free, with a genuine love for the agency and its mission. This enthusiasm is infectious, and it spreads to our donors whenever they see Angi's face.

Angi has chaired our fundraiser Bowl For Kids' Sake and helps drive Littles on our waiting list to match activities where they get to have fun with other kids while they wait for a Big of their own. Angi advocates for BBBS on her personal social media and works as a 911 dispatcher to champion our programs, Bigs in Blue and Bigs in Badges. As a result, multiple law enforcement agencies have signed up their employees as Bigs!

Angi has shown that she deeply cares about BBBS and will support the mission however possible. Last year, BBBS nominated her as Volunteer of the Year for her hard work and dedication, and this year, Angi won State and National Big Sister of the Year for her long-term,
unpaid mentorship of a Little Sister named Jenna. Development staff have described Angi as the epitome of a volunteer, willing to lend a hand anywhere, any time, and in any way!

Special thanks to:

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