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Faith Van Gilder

Nominated by
Girl Scouts of Norhtern IN-Michiana

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Faith brings a high level of integrity, ethics and excellence to everything she endeavors. This is particularly true in her role as Chief Development Officer at Girl Scouts of Northern Indiana-Michiana, the capstone of a long relationship with Girl Scouts that has included troop leader, Image Task Force member, fundraising event table captain and PR/marketing consultant.

At GSNI-M Faith oversees the entire fund development program, including individual, foundation, corporate and planned giving. She never stops acknowledging donors, traveling the 22-county service area to drop off cookies, attend special events, and meet donors at the council's three camps so they can see the Girl Scout mission in action.

She encourages Lifetime Members and donors at all levels to become more engaged with the Girl Scout Movement by sharing their stories on social media and in the quarterly donor newsletter. Among the staff she encourages a culture of philanthropy, motivating staff members to make a pledge in the annual staff appeal. Faith is staff liaison to the GSNI-M board's Philanthropy Committee, helping members understand their key role in fundraising and how to leverage the power of their individual networks.

Faith was instrumental in planning a visit from GSUSA Honorary Trustee Dianne Belk in May that led to the addition of 11 new planned givers. She is a lifelong learner, attending AFP programs and foundation-sponsored workshops, and she is in the 2023 cohort of the Indiana Philanthropy Alliance Mutz Leadership Institute.


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